Dhammapada Evil


Make haste in doing good, refrain the mind from evil.

For he who is slow in doing good, the mind delights in evil.

Should a person do evil act, he should not do it often, nor take pleasure therein, for accumulation of evil brings sufferings.

Should a person do good deeds, he should do it often, and take pleasure therein, for the accumulation of merit brings joy.

It may be well with the evil-doer, so long as his evil deeds have yet to mature.

When they do bear fruits, then he sees the evil results.

Even a good person meets with misfortune, so long as his good deeds have yet to mature.

When they do bear fruits, then he sees the good results.

Do not belittle small evil deeds, saying, "It (karmic repercussion) will not come unto me".

Drop by drop, a water-jar is filled; The fool, little by little, fills himself with evil.

Do not belittle small good deeds, saying, "It (puñña) will not come unto me".

Drop by drop, a water-jar is filled; The wise, little by little, fills himself with good (puñña).

One should shun all evil, just as a merchant, with a small escort and great wealth, avoids a dangerous road.

Just as one desiring to live avoids poison.

If there is no wound in one’s palm, one may carry poison in it. Poison does not penetrate the palm that has no wound.

There is no repercussion for him who does no wrong.

Whoever harms a harmless person, a man who is pure, with no vices (kilesa);

Evil come back to that very fool, like fine dust thrown against the wind.

Some are born in wombs; evil-doers (are born) in hell; the good go to heaven; the pure enter nibbāna.

Not in the air, nor in mid-sea, nor in a mountain's cavern, - no place on earth can one escape from the repercussion of evil deeds.

Not in the air, nor in mid-sea, nor in a mountain’s cavern, - no place on earth can one not be succumbed to death.

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